Dtrini's Photo Tesseract
Friday, March 25, 2005

Cousins, new and old (sorry A). Posted by Hello

Hmmmm, time for a few finger stretching exercises. Posted by Hello

Our nephew has a pretty good eye for a nine year old. Posted by Hello

The ACC center time clock and scoreboard. All these pictures were taken by our nephew and his Kodak digital camera. Posted by Hello

Ben's just a tad below NBA height. They be burning VC in effigy when he gets back here. I have the matches to start the fire. Posted by Hello

This is our nephew, in from Chicago, after the Chicago Bulls whipped the Toronto Raptors for the eight straight time. You can see the floor of the Air Canada Centre behind him. Posted by Hello
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Whew, busy day. Last picture. It is a PITA to try to get a self portrait in a mirror. You can kind of see bits of me in the convew mirror on the left. I really need to get a Speedlite flash. I have two but you get what you pay for; not much in my case. --Dtrini Posted by Hello

You all know Dilbert. He has hung in three different vehicles since Julie gave him to me for a Christmas gift almost a decade ago. --Dtrini Posted by Hello

Some people have bobbing headed dogs, some have Hello Kitty(tm), courtesy of MsMittens, I ride with Redd Foxx - the bobbing headed lobster. --Dtrini Posted by Hello

OK, in better light, the damn thing obviously needs a SERIOUS bath. -- Dtrini Posted by Hello

Oh yes, that's my baby! --Dtrini Posted by Hello

Strange way the cabin lights show up (had to leave the door open so the alarm did not set). Posted by Hello

OK, at this point I changed programs but I am not sure to which one or why it did what it did. Damn, I have to RTFM!! --Dtrini Posted by Hello

What ya'll small car, front-wheel, low-profile mofos get to see each and every snowfall. --Dtrini Posted by Hello

Beware The ROO! Posted by Hello

See all the snow STILL on the other vehicle? BTW, she cannot park to save her life. I park beside her in the hopes of pissing her off enough that she stops parking beside mine. She is ALWAYS to close to the bloody line. Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

This and the next few shots is my playing around with automatic and another setting (name escapes me) in the underground garage of 415 Yonge, after I cleared off all remaining snow and ice from the Beast. Posted by Hello

That's what you get for leaving the vehicle parked on the street. Hopefully, he/she clears the vehicle BEFORE hitting the open road. --Dtrini Posted by Hello

Winter in the Rainbow country, just North of fabled MLG. --Dtrini Posted by Hello

Ok, I did not catch this shot the way I wanted. First, not only is the pedestrian still walking across on the red wrong, the cyclist had enetered the intersection on our red light (which is showing green in the photo). Also, my damn wiper was coming up and obscures the rider. --Dtrini Posted by Hello

Yes, I cleaned off my vehicle. The stuff packed on the roof loosened with the heat and movement and decided (thankfully) to come down the front windshield as I stopped for a red light. Posted by Hello

Hmm, I see that our tax dollars are hard at work. Can anyone tell me why, with the weather the way it is and snow still falling and crap flying everywhere as vehicles hit the slop, do we have people cleaning the glass in the cold? --Dtrini Posted by Hello

Oh look, dumbasses indicators DO work. --Dtrini Posted by Hello

Why did I snap this dumbass taxi cab? Because the dumbass is making a lane change without signalling. I hate these guys and nearly pulled a driver through the open window for cutting me off and nearly clipping the wife's wide of the vehicle where the wife happened to be. Needless to say, the wife was not a happy camper. So, I cut him off as he was getting his fare (the reason he cut me off), stopped, ragged him out with the fare in the back, got back in my vehicle, called him company and lodged a formal complaint. Always call the company as they HAVE to take the complaints seriously. If the infraction is serious enough (and you mention that your next call is to the cops) they will pull the person off the road to save face. Posted by Hello

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm a confessed, bonafide geek, but not just computers; movies, music, sports and technology in general. The most important thing to me is my family. Cross me and I will forgive but I will NEVER forget.

January 2005 / February 2005 / March 2005 / June 2005 /

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